
Hammer's Fall by Laurie Roma
Hammer's Fall by Laurie Roma

Hammer Hammer

I can’t wait for the next book in the The Breakers’ Bad Boys series I am looking forward to picking up the next book! Keep them coming Ms.Our audiobook this week is A BREAKERS WEDDING by Laurie Roma I would highly recommend this book, it was fantastic, I didn’t want to put it down. It could not have been written any better, there was every emotion imaginable in this book. They all seemed so sincere and caring, I loved the plot and it has so many possibilities for many more books to come. I loved how the author introduced other characters, especially Jared’s family and friends. In the bedroom they were on fire and the passion between the two was off the charts hot! They have such an amazing chemistry together, I loved reading about all of their little hiccups and bumps along the way. He makes her see what a beautiful woman she really is and just how endless his love really is.


He is the perfect man and he is just what Kalista needs. The minute she is available he wastes no time and the sparks fly between them. He has been silently watching and waiting for Bakery owner, Kalista Redford for as long as he can remember while setting up his gym and training center. Jared “Hammer” Caufield is a retired MMA fighter and Army Ranger and he was one hot, yummy man, he was all bad boy alpha, and who doesn’t want one a man like that, especially one who has a soft side for women. From the emotions of the characters to the very steamy, sexy, hot sex this book could not have been much better! The characters in this book just fit, nothing was forced and their relationship with each other did not disappoint me at all. Hammer’s Fall is the first book in Laurie Roma’s series The Breakers’ Bad Boys, and it was a fantastic read with an amazing storyline and a fantastic plot right from page one.

Hammer's Fall by Laurie Roma