This can be discerned in some cases of underfunded relief programmes for refugee crises the example of the refugees in Central African Republic is a case in point. However, its efforts sometimes meet serious challenges which limit the effectiveness of its responses. The UN battles its way to provide solutions to these problems or to prevent their escalation. Granted, current challenges in world affairs seem to know no boundaries for every crisis, the consequences are felt globally in forms of, inter alia, refugee crises, asylum seekers, and security threats. Without underrating the visions of Kant and Teilhard, the creation of the United Nations, three centuries after the Kantian conceptualization of the League of Nations, materialized to a certain limit the ideals of a world that humanity deserves in the forecast of the Teilhardian vision of the universe.

In his evaluation, he affirmed that the present stage of evolution is heading towards a “planetization” process (globalization) in which humanity is geared towards a common mindset of universal consciousness. Three centuries latter, a French paleontologist, Pierre Tielhard de Chardin in The Phenomenon of Man argued that the evolutionary process of the universe is heading towards one common end, the Omega Point. Regardless of the critics, the Kantian dream of peace among nations provided a conceptual framework to think and hope in the possibilities of a world society that lives in solidarity and mutual support. In Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch, German philosopher Immanuel Kant laid down a philosophical presupposition which could help set up a worldwide organization with the mandate to ensure perpetual peace all over the world.